Lump Eggplant
Eggplant is a perennial cultivar that grows annually in warm climates and as a small tree in tropical climates. Benefits of Eggplant: It calms the nerves and lowers blood pressure. It relieves heart palpitations. It softens the intestines and is diuretic. It reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and is good for vascular occlusion. It cures anemia. It regulates the functioning of the liver and pancreas. It reduces kidney pain and burning. It's good for printing. It helps to lose weight. Eggplant, which is widely consumed in our region, has an important place. In addition to its edible value, it has been used as a medicine among the people for many years. Eggplant shows foreign pollination at an average rate of 6.75%, varying by 0.2-46.8% depending on various ecological conditions.
Harvest Season
Harvesting of eggplants is done at first to the market or when the fruits are of various sizes according to the desire to work on the normal crop. For the first-season crop, although the fruits are plucked before they reach their normal size, the main harvest time is when the variety takes 1/3 of the actual fruit size. If the harvest is delayed, the fruits turn brown, their colors become lighter, and their seeds harden and their ability to be eaten is gradually lost. The first harvest in the eggplant plant begins with the plucking of the lower fruits and continues gradually upwards. Harvested fruits are cut together with their stems in the heat. They are divided into classes according to their size, smoothness and colors and put into packaging containers without being compressed.